Contoh Surat Motivasi Fulbright Scholarship

Let me tell you my experience in applying Fulbright Scholarship to be an English Teaching Assistant in USA 2015. It was great chance to be able to pass the administration selection step. Let's see

I am Tomy Widiyanto, 21 years old, hereby would like to state and prove my qualified abilities in applying in the Pre-Service English Teacher Camp program. My advanced knowledge and passion are learning and teaching English, especially focus on teaching English as a foreign language. I am particularly interested in joining this jadwal related to my experiences in teaching for some levels. I have been experiencing in teaching English from 2011 to present. In addition, my academic transcript had shown that it is satisfied. I came to recognize that my knowledge is still limited in many areas. Thus, I would like to have the opportunity to enroll in this jadwal to put my knowledge into a higher standard, especially in teaching English. It surely will provide me plenty of knowledge in development of my English teaching. Studying and attending this program, I will have opportunities to meet native English teachers from different nations and cultures, expert English teachers, offering me different points of view and contributing to my flexibility and creativity, enriching my English language proficiency and awareness of teaching practices. In another hand, it will carry me to explore innovative teaching approaches and practice using effective English teaching aids.  I do hope that after attending this program, I can conduct variaties in teaching English, how to manage the class very well, how to hold assessment accurately. I highly would like to share, dedicate and motivate people around me, especially for my students at SMK PP Assyafiiyah Kendal, who are villagers from poor families, they so far are limited by learning facilities. Joining this jadwal will really mean a lot for me as a facilitator to develop a learning environment that is relevant to and reflective of my students’ social, cultural, and linguistic experiences. Besides, it will help me to share meaningful knowledge and experiences to juniors and mates in my university. strongly believe that a deep and meaningful teaching training provided by your jadwal is needed for me to pursue my career in teaching English. Therefore, if I successfully pass from the jadwal and make practical use of what I have learned, I will play an active role in achievements of my English teaching. The knowledge, skills and experiences that I benefit from this jadwal will contribute not only to my future carrier but also to the development of my community, university, and country can be better in this modern and sophisticated era. I hope that I will be accepted as an applicant of Pre-Service English Teacher Camp program. I understand that admission to this program is competitive, but I am also confident that I am qualified and eager, and prepared to meet all of its challenge.  In my opinion, an expert comes from a lot of experiences, so that I will never stop my passion and desire to study harder and improve my English teaching from time to time. I would be most grateful if you could give my application your most favorable consideration.

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