An Example Of Speech

The honourable adjudicator of this speech contest
Honourable all Teachers
Ladies and gentlemen
Good morning,
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
May I tell you first of all, how pleased I am standing here in the wonderful occasion in commemorating of 45th anniversary of National Healthy Day. In this beautiful morning I would like to deliver my speech entitled “Cleanliness is a half of faith”
Ladies and gentlemen,
Cleanliness is very important in our life. By having clean environment, we will avoid from some ilnessses such as dengue fever, diarrhea, skin illness, etc.
As we knew, like our Prophet Muhammad SAW said : “annadhofatul minal iman”
The meaning is : cleanliness is a half of faith
From that hadits, it is obvious that our Prophet Muhammad SAW encouraged us to always maintain our environment still clean.
There are some benefits we get if we maintain our environment clean.
Firstly, we will avoid from some ilnesses because bacteria will grow in dirty places. So, that illnesses will come very fast if we do not clean our environment regularly.
Secondly, by having clean environment we get our health better. So that much money we save because of less money we spend to visit doctor or hospital. Instead of it, we can use the money to buy other needs.
The last, if our environment is clean, everything looks good and tidy. Children free to play without worry if they will be suffered some illness. From some benefits I mentioned, I encourage that we must clean our environment and our body at least twice a day both in the morning and afternoon. In order to avoid some illnesses.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I think my speech is enough. May it will useful for us. Thank you for your nice attention.
Billahittaufik wal hidayah
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

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