
Name              : Tomy Widiyanto
NIM                 : 113411091
Subject            : Teaching Reading
Group              : PBI – 4B

SMP                            :  SMP N 2 Brangsong
Subject                        :  English
Class/Semester          :  Grade VIII/2
Material                     :  Narrative Text
Aspect/ Skill               :  Reading
Allocated Time           :  1 x 45 Minutes
Time Allotment          :  1 Meeting ( 20 Minutes )

A.                Standard of Competence

1.       Understanding the purpose in short functional text and short monologues or essays of narrative in daily life context and get access to popular science accurately and fluently.
2.       Convey the purpose in short functional text and short monologues or essays of narrative in daily life context and get access to popular science accurately and fluently.
      B.        Basic Competence

1.      Understanding and responding the purpose in the short functional text and short monologues or essays of narrative accurately and fluently.
2.       Conveying the purpose in the short functional text and short monologues or essays of narrative accurately and fluently.

     C.        Indicators
-    Identifying the main ideas.
-    Identifying the supporting details.
-    Identifying the factual information.
-    Understanding the words, phrases, and sentences.
-    Reading out loud (story telling).

     D.        Learning Aim
By the end of the lesson, the students will have been able to :
-     To comprehend oral narrative text..
-     To present oral narrative text accurately.
-     To read and understand written narrative text.
-     To create written narrative text.
     E.        Teaching Material
                        Narrative Text
Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
Ø  The generic structure of Narrative text :
1.             Orientation :
It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the question : who, when, what, and where).
2.             Complication :
Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them.
3.             Resolution :
The crisis is revolved, for better or worse.
1.                  Re-orientation :The ending of the story. this stage is optional. It makes explicit how the    character(s) has changed and what has been learned from the story.

Ø  Language Features :
·          Focus on specific and ususally individually participants.
·          Use of material (action) process.
·          Use of relational and mental process.
·          Use of temporal conjunction and temporal circumtances.
·          Use of past tense.
·          Short, telegraphic information about story summarized in one-sentence    headline.

E.        Method/Technique :
o   Communicative Language Teaching
o   Grammar Translation Method
o   Audio – Lingual Method

F.         Learning Activities
Interaction Patterns
Sample of Instruction
Building Knowledge of The Field (BKOF)
Pre Activities
§  Teacher greets the students

§  Teacher checks the students’ attendance

§  Teacher gives stimulating questions before explaining the material




Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
Good morning, Class? How are you today?
Who is absent today?
Why is He/She absent?

Well, students look at some pictures on the slide.
What do you think of these pictures?
Have you ever retold a story?
Modelling of Text (MOT)
Main Activities
§  Teacher tells the students about the topic
§  Teacher gives the examples of narrative text

§  Teacher explains the definition, the social function, generic structures, and the language features of narrative text

§  Teacher instructs the students to make a group

§  The students are asked by the teacher to read the passage
§  The students analyze and discuss the passage that given grouply
§  The teacher checks and discusses the exercise

Join Contruction of Text (JCOT)       
§  Teacher gives an exercise related to the topic that shows a video to the students while they are preparing to watch and answer the questions on an answer sheet
§  Teacher asks the students’ answer sheet to be submitted

Independent Construction of Text (ICOT)
Post Activities
§  Teacher reviews the material of the day
§  Teacher gives the opportunity to students ask the question
§  Teacher gives homework to students

§  Teacher gives motivation to improve students’ reading skill

§  Teacher closes the class

















Today, we will learn about narrative text

As you see, those are kinds of narrative text

So, the definition of narrative text is ....
The social function of narrative text  is ....
The generic structure of narrative text is ...
Language features of narrative text is ...
Ok Class, now I want you to make a group that consist of two person

Okay, I want you to read this passage flitly 
Now,  analyze and discuss this text based on what I have taught
Well Students, let’s check it together .....

Well, for your exercise today is I would like to show you a kind of narrative text in a video form. So, let’s see it accurately and answer the questions on your answer sheet when you are watching it.
Okay Students, your answer sheet may be handed in now. I will check it later on and give it back to you.

How about the material today?
Is it clear for you?
Is there any questions?

For your homework, please write your own fairy tale. It must be in English. Consider the generic structures and language features. Revise your first draft, you can consult to me if it’s necessary.
Submit your jawaban draft next meeting then you read it in front of the class
Well Students before I close this meeting, I hope you always fond of reading. If you sometimes find the vocabularies you don’t know, be brave and that’a okay to open your dictionary. If you difficult to pronounce the words you may check them in the dictionary. Remember! more vocabularies you master, you will be easier to understand the purpose of the text
Thank you for your attention.
Have a good day
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb

G.        Material and Media Sources
·         Media Sources :
                                                   i.            Pictures
                                                 ii.            Hand out
                                               iii.            Slides
                                               iv.            Video

·         Material Sources :
                                                    i.            Widiati, Utami dkk. 2008. Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kelas VIII Edisi 4. Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
                                                  ii.            Santi, Inez. 2009. English for teen 1. Yogyakarta: CV Andi Offset.
                                                iii.            The video was download from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqRn7slkTr8

H.        Assesment
1.      Form                                        : Written Task
2.      Technique                                : The students are assigned to do a written test
3.      Aspect                                     :  Reading
4.      Scoring Guidance                   :
a.       Maximal Score of Appropriate Answer         : 2
b.      Maximal Score of Unapropriate Answer       : 1/2
c.       Maximal Score                                               : 100
d.      Amount of Exercise’s Question                     : 5

e.       Student’s Score       : Acquisition Score
                                   ---------------------  X 10

5.      Column Scoring:

Each the Correct Answer
2 x 5 = 10 x 10   = Score
Each the Correct Answer
1 x 10 = Score

I.                   Instruments
1.      Reading the example of narrative text
2.      Identifying the generic structure of narrative text
3.      Doing an exercise by a video of narrative text

           Semarang,  March 14th 2013                      

                  Headmaster                                                                                 Teacher

              Sumarmi, M. Pd                                                                        Tomy Widiyanto

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