Reading's Teather Technique

MR. Klewang Subur
                Oneday there is an old man, named Klewang Subur.  He is very rich and handsome. He lives in a big house. He has five wives.  The first wife is Musyikah, the second is Nur Nyaini, the third is Ling Lung, the fourth is Prikitiuw and the fifth wife is Winda Wow.  Klewang Subur has three children, they are Paimen, Painem and Paijo.
Klewang Subur     : “Hmmmm, it is fresh morning while drinking this cup of Perahu Api coffee.  I am happy today.”
Ling Lung              : “my honey, I wanna ask some money to you.”
Klewang Subur     : “How much, darling? I will give it how much you want, anytime anywhere anycondition you need. We are very rich, you know?
Ling Lung              : “ oh,,,, you are My nice Klewang, honey.”
Nur Nyaini            : “Hon... Honey, I must buy some medicine again, my medicine for the patients have used up. I need $100, I need $100, I need $100,, now darling, now!!!
Ling Lung              : “me too, look at to your kids! They  need some milk and I must buy it for them. Give me $700, Honey. Now Now, Now!”
Klewang Subur     : “wait...wait... calm down.... calm down my all darlings,,,, I confuse I confuse, who should I give the first? Wait wait..... my wives.”
Musyikah              : “I, My handsome husband. I am your first wife. So, you must give the money to me first. Hey you!!! Be patient, these money is for me, you and you will be given by him tomorrow. Is that right, my handsome husband?”
Prikitiuw                : “Noooo...... I am also his wife, I need some money to go swimming. I must heighten my body.”
Winda Wouw       : “aaahhhh!!! It is really not important, you know. Look at my face, today I am not using any makeup. I need to buy makeup in order I may seem so beautiful in front of my handsome husband; Mr. Klewang. You need to know that I am the most beautiful of you, you know.  Right, my handsome husband?”
Klewang: “Huhhhh (still stress)”

                Mr. Klewang Subur became so confuse about the problem. He cannot determine who should he give the money first  because he knows the money is not enough to be given to all of hiswives. Something happened when the trouble was culminating.
 Klewang Subur    : “well, actually I have the money to give you but it is not enough for all. I must give it to Ling Lung. She do need it so much now, our children do not look fresh today. Do not you have a sympathy to them, darlings? Please, understand me.”

Musyikah, Nur Nyaini, Prikitiuw, and Winda Wow: “ Noooooooo!!!!”

Ling Lung              : “oh, my very kind husband. You are very wise. Thank you so much, so where is the money??”
Klewang Subur     : “oh yes, I forgot. The money is still in the Bank, darling. I need to go there then. ”
Ling Lung              : “What!!!!!!! (unconscious)”
The kids                 : “Mummy...Mummy..... wake up wake up, it is morning is morning.  We are hungry Mom, we are hungry and we have not take a bath yet. Who will take us to bath??”

Musyikah, Nur Nyaini, Prikitiuw, Winda Wow and Klewang Subur: “Ling Luuuungg...”
Klewang Subur     : “let us take her to the room soon, help me please.”

1st                           : Musyikah,  2nd                                : Nur Nyaini,  3rd                                 : Ling Lung
4th                          : Prikitiuw,    5th                   : Winda Wow. 
Three children      : Paimen, Painem and Paijo.

                After few minutes later, Ling Lung is still unconscious while she is accompanied by the other wives and her children. They are sitting down while Mr. Klewang Subur explained the truth to them.

Klewang Subur     : “I am so sorry, my wives. Actually I also do need much money to campaign. I candidated as The President of this country. You know, I am stress. I am stress.”
Children                 : “why is Daddy stress?”
Prikitiuw                : “Why didn’t you tell us before, my husband?”
Musyrikah            : “You ignored us, huhhhhh?!!”
Nur Nyaini            : “What kind of husband you are??!!!!”
(The wives prepared to punch Klewang Subur)
Klewang Subur     : “Wait...wait ...wait...... ”
Winda Wouw       : “Wait for what?!!..... 
( Suddenly, Ling Lung wakes up)
Ling Lung              : “what’s up here?”
Winda Wouw       : “did you know that your husband’s money was spent out for campaign a President.”
Ling Lung              : “WHATTTTTT!!!!!”
(Then, Ling Lung got unconcious again)

1st                           : Musyikah,  2nd                                : Nur Nyaini,  3rd                                 : Ling Lung
4th                          : Prikitiuw,    5th                   : Winda Wow. 
Three children      : Paimen, Painem and Paijo.

                Finally, Klewang Subur’s wives got sick with him. They asked Klewang Subur to divorce all of them. They were very angry and very disappointed by him.
Nur Nyaini            : “I don’t want to be yourwife anymore.”
Musyrikah            : “I will be musyrik from you. I won’t believe you anymore.”
Winda Wouw       : “You must divorce all of us, Mr. Klewang”
 Klewang Subur    : “calm down.... calm down.”
Children                 : “Mothers.... mothers.... what is the meaning of divorce?”
Prikitiuw                : “ divorce is a kind of food, dears.”
Paijo                       : “is it delicious?”
Painem                  : “Yes, of course because it is food.”
Paimen                  : “and daddy will buy it for us. Right, daddy?”
Klewang Subur     : “Oh my Goddddd.....” (Sat at a chair and close his ears)

(Klewang Subur’s wives and his children didn’t stop talking to him. So, he just sat down and closed his ears)

1st                           : Musyikah,  2nd                                : Nur Nyaini,  3rd                                 : Ling Lung
4th                          : Prikitiuw,    5th                   : Winda Wow. 
Three children      : Paimen, Painem and Paijo.


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