Curriculum Development

1.      How is the implementation of the systemic functional linguistics in English Language Curriculum recently?
2.      What is the target of English Language Teaching based on the Competence-based Curriculum? How does it suit the need of global communication?
3.      As a student of English Education program, what do you think of the most effective implementation of the English Language Curriculum Development at the school level?

1.      Firstly, What does it mean. The systemic functional linguistics is a theory that has some tents, that are: language is functional, so language is the way it is because of the meaning it makes. Then, language is based on context. It’s mean that language can be understood if only we understand the context in which it is used. This theory focuses on language at the level of whole text. Text is used to refer to stretch of written and spoken language. From the tents above we can conclude that language must be mastered both the language itself and the context or environment during we use the language. We can see the implementation of this model in English Language Curriculum recently from the target of Competence-based Curriculum or School-based Curriculum, that is, the students are able to use English as a language to communicate. So, during the process of teaching-learning English, we are not only talking about theory but also practice.
2.      The target of English Language Teaching based on the Competence-based Curriculum is Communicative competence. This competence deals with the ability of using English as a mean of communication. it suits the need of global communication, as we know that English is international language. We need English to communicate with another people from various country. English also can improve our knowledge. Nowadays, there a lot of sources in electronic media or printed media. So, we will not meet a lot of dilema understanding that sources, because we had mastered English, based on context.
3.      Based on the target of English Language Curriculum, we should apply the curriculum in teaching and learning process. Firstly, we should introduce English as a mean of communication and let the students know the habits of English native speakers, and also the culture. Besides, we should set the learning process become interesting and interactive. Giving a game is a good way. Singing or watching movie also a good choice.

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