Comparison Of Procedure, Explanation, Report And Description

Text Type
Social Function
Generic Structure
To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps
§  Goal/Aim
§  Materials/Equipments
§  Steps/Methods
To explain the processes involved in the information or working of natunal or socio-cultural phenomena
§  A general statement to position the reader
§  A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs

To describe the way things are, with reference to arrange or natural, manmade, and sicial phenomena in our environment
§  General Classification
-Tell the phenomenon under discussion is
§  Description
-Tell what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behavior (if living); uses (if non-natural)


To describe a particular person, place or thing
§  Identification
-Indetifies phenomenon to be described
§  Description
- Describes parts, qualities and characterictics
Procedure, explanation, report, and description, all of them are factual genres of text. In this case, we must consider the differences among these texts. The procedure, shows us the ways to do or make something step by step. This kind of text use point bullet or numbering for state the steps. It also mention the material that needed during the process.
The explanation, shows us about sociocultural or natural phenomena. It uses paragraph to built the case. The report, also tells us about socio-cultural or natural phenomena. But, report text is written based on observation of the writer. So, explanation contains opinion too, but report contains facts.

The last one, is description. This text tells us about someone or something. It use a lot of adverb of place and conjunction.

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