Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Kelas 7 (Vii) Smp/Mts (Soal 2)

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 (Ganjil/gasal) Kelas 7 (VII) Model 2. Soal ini sanggup digunakan sebagai latihan dalam menghadapi ujian selesai semester 1 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 7. Dengan banyak latihan mengerjakan soal, harapannya akan lebih siap dalam menghadapi ujian.

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I. Pilihlah a, b, c atau d pada akhir yang tepat dengan cara member tanda silang ( x )

1. Yoga is a student of SMP 03. He always gets a good mark. He is a ...... student.
    a. stupid
    b. clever
    c. bad
    d. lazy

2. The month comes after July is ....
    a. June
    b. August
    c. September
    d. October

3. Look at the picture! She is my teacher.

Her name is Mrs. Lorna. She is slim and tall.
Her hair is ....
    a. short and black
    b. straight and black
    c. long and black
    d. curly and black

4. The students of SMP 03 Lawang usually held a flag ceremony on ....
    a. Sunday
    b. Monday
    c. Friday
    d. Saturday

5. What month has twenty eight or twenty nine days?
    a. January
    b. February
    c. March
    d. April

The new school year begins. Students of class VII enter the new school. The new school is SMP Bina Ilmu. Tuti is one of the new students. She sits in class VII B.
When she comes to school, she meets a girl in the school yard.
Tuti says,”I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Tuti. I am in class VII B.
I live on Jl. Diponegoro 18 Lawang. What is your name?”
The girl answered, ”How do you do, Tuti? I am glad to meet you. I am Linawati. We are
in the same class. My address is on Jl. Hamid Rusdi 108 Singosari.

6. Does the new school begin?
    a. Yes, it does
    b. No, it doesn‟t
    c. Yes, it is
    d. No, it isn‟t

7. What Is Tuti?
    a. class VII B
    b. a new student
    c. a new school
    d. a girl

8. Who lives in Singosari?
    a. Tuti is
    b. Linawati is
    c. Tuti does
    d. Linawati does

Dani : I‟m in class 8D. What is your address?
Yeni : On Jl. Nanas 35. Where do you live?
Dani : On Jl. Teratai 12. What is your hobby, Deni?
Yeni : Do you like badminton?
Dani : Yes, I do. I also like volley ball. Do you have any brother or sister?
Yeni : No, I don‟t. I‟m the only child of my family.
Dani : I see. Listen, the bell is ringing. Let‟s get to the class!
Yeni : O.K. Let‟s go.

9. Who likes badminton?
    a. Dani does
    b. Yeni does
    c. Dani and Yeni do
    d. No one does

10. Where did the dialog happen?
    a. at school
    b. in the classroom
    c. on the way home
    d. at home

Hi friends! This is my friend, Sisca. She comes from West Java. She was born in Bogor on August 18, 1995. Her hobbies are singing and swimming. She also like planting flowers very much. She lives on Jl. A. Yani 100. She lives together with her parents and her two sisters. They are Mr. and Mrs. Handoyo, Maria and Linda.
Sisca studies at SMP 05. Her older sister is in the first year of Senior High School, and Linda is still in Elementary school.

11.What is Sisca‟s hobby?
    a. swimming and siging
    b. swimming and planting flowers
    c. singing and planting flowers with her family
    d. singing, swimming and planting flowers

12. Who is the second child of Sisca‟s family?
    a. Handoyo
    b. Maria
    c. Tiara
    d. Sisca

13. “They love one another”
The word “They” in the sentence refers to .........
    a. Sisca‟s sister
    b. Sisca‟s parents
    c. sisca‟s father
    d. Sisca‟s family

Heri : What is your name?
Rudi : My name is Rudi.
Heri : Where do you live?
Rudi : ........(14)......
Heri : How do you go to school?
Rudi : ......(15........

14. a. I live with my family
      b. It is my address
      c. I am 13 years old
      d. On Jl. Ketindan

15. a. on foot
      b. with my friends
      c. by train
      d. fine

Most school has a library. My school has a library too. There are a lot of books, novels, story books, dictionaries, newspapers and magazines and still many others. During the break time, there are a lot of students go to the school library. The students go there everyday.
They want to read newspapers, magazines, books and so on. Some of them also borrow some books or novels. Why do the students like to visit the library? Because by go there, they can get a lot of information from the library. By reading a lot, the students will enrich their knowledge.

There is a librarian. His name is Mr. Siswiyanto. He is very kind and patient. He always helps everybody. He serves the students well.
To be a member of a library, The students must have a library card or a member card.
The card is important because you can not borrow any books if you can not show your member

16. What do the students do in the library?
    a. to read and borrow some books
    b. to read and buy some books
    c. to develop their reading skill
    d. to get some information

17. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ....
    a. the reasons why the students like to visit the library
    b. a little about the librarian
    c. the important rule of the library
    d. the function of a member card

18. What is a librarian?
    a. A librarian is Mr. Siswiyanto
    b. A librarian is person who always keeps everybody
    c. A librarian is a person who serves the students well
    d. A librarian is a person who works or is in charge of a library

19. Which of the following is not true about the library rules?
    a. The students must keep silent on the library
    b. The students may disturb other students
    c. The students can read, study, or write in the library
    d. The students must have a library card

20. To be a member of a library, the students must have ....
    a. a credit card
    b. a student card
    c. a personal identity card
    d. a library card

Now we have an English class. Mrs Lutfi is our English teacher. She is standing in front of the class now. She is explaining about „School Life‟. She teaches us very patiently. We are listening about her attentively. Sometimes we are serious. Sometimes we have a laugh because Mr. Lutfi tells us a fun story.

21. What is she explaining about?
    a. Family Life
    b. School Life
    c. Occupation
    d. Self Introduction

22. Why do sometimes we have a laugh?
    a. Because Mr. Lutfi is a fun teacher
    b. Because the lesson is funny
    c. Because our teacher tells us a funny story
    d. Because we have a fun classmate

The students of VIIA have just finished doing an experiment in the laboratory. It is nine fifteen. It is time for them to have a break now. Erna and her friends are in the canteen. The canteen is big and clean. There is a washing table with sentence “wash your hands before and after eating” above it. There are bowls of side-dishes (lauk pauk) and drinks sold in the canteen. All students queue up to buy their food. Discipline and obedience help to make sure everybody follow the canteen rules. The rules are to queue up to buy food and not t spit in the floor. If the students are cooperative, the canteen will be clean and safe.

23. The students are in the ... now.
a. laboratory
b. canteen
c. library
d. office

24. What are the canteen rules?
    a. Work together to prepare food
    b. Discipline and obedience
    c. Wash your hands before and after eating
    d. Queue up to buy and not to spit in the floor

25. “There is a washing table with sentence „wash your hands before and after eating‟
    above it.” Te word it refers to ....
    a. the washing table
    b. the sentence
    c. the canteen
    d. the hand

Heni : What is your name?
Ana : My name is Ana
Heni : Where do you live?
Ana : ... 24 ...
Heni : How do you go to school?
Ana : ... 25 ...

26. a. I live with my family
      b. On Jalan A. Yani 15
      c. It is my address
      d. I am twelve years old

27. a. by bus
      b. alone
      c. with my friends
      d. by pedicab

28. Miss Ani is my math teacher.
    .... teaches us math patiently.
    a. I
    b. he
    c. she
    d. you

29. Rudi is a lazy boy.
    Rony is a lazy boy.
    The combination of the two sentences is ...
    a. Rudi is a lazy boy and Rony is too.
    b. Rudi is a lazy boy and Rony is also a lazy boy
    c. Rudi is a lazy boy and Rony
    d. Rudi and Rony are lazy boys

30. go - the library - to borrow - We – some – books - to
       1           2                  3            4        5           6        7
    The arrangement of the jumbled words above is ...
    a. 4-2-1-7-3-5-6
    b. 3-5-6-4-1-2-7
    c. 4-1-7-2-3-5-6
    d. 4-1-2-7-3-5-6

At half past four in the morning, Nana gets up. Nana‟s mother is in the kitchen. She cooks the breakfast. Her father feeds the birds. Nana sweeps the floor and yard. Meanwhile, her brother, Dani, feeds the chicken.
After sweeping, Nana helps her mother washing the cooking utensils. That time mother sets the breakfast on the table in the dining room. Dani cleans the car and father is in the bathroom to takea bath. They have breakfast together after they take a bath. Then, Dani and Nanang go to school. Before going to the office, Nana‟s father reads a newspaper.

31.Nana usually gets up at ...... every morning.
    a. 04.30
    b. 05.30
    c. 06.30
    d. 07.30

32. What does the writer do at the first time?
    a. feeding the chickens
    b. feeding the bird
    c. taking a bath
    d. sweeping the floor and the yard

33. Mother cook the breakfast in the ....
    a. garage
    b. kitchen
    c. bathroom
    d. dining room

34. Who feeds the chickens?
    a. Nana
    b. mother
    c. father
    d. Dani

35. ........... wash the cooking utensils.
    a. the writer
    b. mother and Nana
    c. father
    d. Dani

Teacher : Good morning everybody. .........(36).........?
Students : two, sir.
Teacher : Why are they absent?
Students : ............(37)..............
Teacher : O.K. Thanks. Let‟s start the lesson.

36. a. How many students are there in your class?
      b. How many students are present today?
      c. How many students are absent today?
      d. How many students are there today?

37. a. Because there is an English test today.
      b. Because they do their homework.
      c. Because their father is angry
      d. Because they are sick

38. The teachers and the students have a flag ceremony ....... a week.
    They usually hold on Monday
    a. once
    b. twice
    c. twice times
    d. four times

39. We have breakfast in the ....... before we go to school.
    a. night
    b. evening
    c. afternoon
    d. morning

40. This morning the postman ....... me a letter.
    a. paid
    b. lent
    c. sent
    d. made

School usually begins at 06.45. Some students go to school on foot or “Ojek” and some go by bus or car. They try to arrive at school on time. They don‟t want to be late or they will get a punishment.
On Monday morning, the students have flag raising ceremony. The boys wear white shirts and blue shorts, meanwhile the girls wear white shirts and blue skirts. The teachers and administration staff wear light brown uniforms. While the three students are hoisting the red and white flag, all participants sing the Indonesian anthem, Indonesia Raya. They sing seriously.

41. How do the students go to school?
42. When do the students have flag raising ceremony?
43. Who wears blue skirt?
44. Do teachers wear blue uniform?
45. What color of the flag?

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