Do Or Make

Using do and make can be difficult in English because the meaning is similar and their use is different.
Generally speaking, use do for activity and make to create something. Compare these examples:
·         I always do my homework in the evenings.
·         I like spaghetti. I make it everyday
But there are other things to consider when using do and make. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice.
When to use do?
Use do when someone performs an action, activity or task.

·         do
...the dishes
... an exercise
... the laundry
... the ironing
We use often use do to refer to work of any kind.
·         do
... your work
... homework
... housework
... your job
... business
... your hair
... your nails
Use the verb 'do' when you speak about general thing (to describe an action without saying exactly what the action is.)
I've got nothing to do today.
He doesn't do anything all day long.
She does everything to attract him.
These are some expressions that you can use with do:
·         do
... one's best
... good
... harm
... a favor
... business
... things right / badly / well
... good
... harm
... time - (to go to prison)
... your best / worst.
When to use make?
We use the verb make to construct, build or create. The result is something that you can touch.
She makes beautiful dresses
Let'smake a cup of coffee!
can you make a cup of tea?
They make delicious food in this restaurant!
These are some important expressions that you can use with make:
·         make
... arrangements
... an attempt
... bed
... believe
... change
... a choice
... a comment
... a complaint
... a decision
... a demand
... a difference
... an effort
... an exception
... an excuse
... an inquiry
... a fool of yourself
... a fortune
... friends
... a fuss
... a journey
... love
... a mess
... a mistake
... money
... a move
... a noise
... an offer
... peace
... a phone call
... a plan
... a point
... a profit
... a promise
... a remark
... a sound
... a speech
... a suggestion
... time
... a visit
... war

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